Overview of the "What is" knowledge template in ServiceNow


Aside from base-level fields, like "Short description", that are in all knowledge articles, the "What is" template for knowledge articles has two unique fields:

  • Introduction
  • Explanation

Please review the information below for details about these two fields.

NOTE: You may see other fields, depending on your group memberships.

example screenshot


"Introduction" field

Use this field to optionally provide introductory text to the "Explanation" field. A well-crafted introduction should bring the reader into the perspective of the writer, build interest in the subject, and announce the topic. This content should be as concise as possible, reserving details for the "Explanation" field.

"Explanation" field

This is where the bulk of the info for your article should be located, such as paragraphs, screenshots, embedded videos, tables, and more.

You may optionally upload the article content as an attachment, like a PDF or a Word document. If so, in the "Explanation" field, type "Please see the attached file(s)." Then, check the "Display attachments" checkbox. This should be used sparingly, as in most cases native articles provide a better experience for your audience.