Error: "In order to comply with US trade controls, we are required to block access from US embargoed countries" when navigating to


You are in a US embargoed country and you receive the error below when attempting to navigate to This can also include clicking any links that take you to, including links to view your request or incident in our askIT service portal.

In order to comply with US trade controls, we are required to block access from US embargoed countries. It appears that you are located in one of these countries. If you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact customer support and reference error code "u5a". Thank you.

For more information, see: US Country Policies and Embargoes

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Or +1-858-345-1444 from anywhere

example screenshot


You are receiving this error because you are located in a US embargoed country.


If you believe you have reached this page in error, please submit a request so we can assist you further.


Possible Workaround #1

If you have TTUnet VPN enabled, and are able to connect to the TTUnet VPN from your location, please see if you are able to access the site with TTUnet VPN connected. If you do not have TTUnet VPN enabled, you can submit a request for it to be enabled.

NOTE: There is a possibility that there are restrictions in your area that do not allow connections to TTUnet VPN.

Possible Workaround #2

If you are trying to navigate to to see specific content (updates on a request, read a knowledge article, etc.) submit a request for IT Help Central to provide the information or contact via an alternative means.