When attempting to sign in to an online resource using your eRaider account, you receive the following message:
More information required
Your organization needs more information to keep your account secure
Microsoft multifactor authentication (MFA) is required when accessing some some services, and you do not have any MFA methods set up, such as the Microsoft Authenticator app.
1) Click Next on the message that you received.
2) Download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device.
3) Click Next.
4) Follow the directions on your screen and your mobile device. Then, click Next again.
5) In the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device, enter the number seen on your screen.
EXAMPLE: In the screenshot below, the number is 92. However, your number will likely be different and will vary each time.
6) Once you receive the indication that the notification was approved, click Next a final time.
7) Click Done.
You can sign in to services without receiving the "More information required" prompt.
IMPORTANT: Do not delete the Microsoft Authenticator app from your phone or replace your phone without having at least one alternative MFA method set up.