You receive the following message when signing in to a Windows computer joined to the TTU domain:
Use of TTU Information resources is subject to University O.P.'s and other applicable laws. As a state higher education institution, TTU is required by the State of Texas to notify you of the following: "A) Unauthorized use is prohibited, B) Usage may be subject to security testing and monitoring, C) Misuse is subject to criminal prosecution, and D) No expectation of privacy except as otherwise provided by applicable privacy laws" (Security Controls Standards Catalog AC-8).
In compliance with state requirements and current IT practices, Information Technology began displaying an unauthorized access warning reminder screen whenever a user signs into the domain starting August 25, 2006. The addition is cosmetic/educational in nature and does not have any technical implications. As of November 11, 2008, this message is a mandatory component of the sign-on process for all Windows computers joined to the TTU domain.
Please see Texas Administrative Code §202.75.
You may sign in by clicking OK and entering your TTU credentials.
TIP: To speed up the sign-in process, use the keyboard command Ctrl+Alt+Delete, and then immediately press Enter.
You are able to sign into the PC after becoming aware of the information presented.