Error: "Awaiting Entry to Priority Room Selection" when signing up for housing at TTU


When attempting to use Priority Room Selection to register for on-campus housing, you are redirected to a page with the following message:

Awaiting Entry to Priority Room Selection

Waiting Process

Your approximate wait time is: X minutes.

example screenshot


The system has exceeded its 80 user limit and has placed you in a waiting queue.


The "Awaiting Entry" page will automatically refresh every 30 seconds. When there is room for you in the system, a blue button will appear. You will have 30 seconds to accept by clicking the blue button before it is given to the next person in the queue.

The system is designed to allow 80 users at a time. If you are attempting to access this web application when 80 individuals are using it, you may be presented with the message "Awaiting Entry to Priority Room Selection." Priority Room Selection will place you in a waiting queue until a space in the application is available.


You can close the page and try again when the system does not have as many people attempting to use it.