Error: "User Name Not Found" when signing in to Raiderlink


You are able to sign in to eRaider Account Manager successfully, but when you attempt to sign in to Raiderlink you receive the following message:


User Name Not Found

The user name for log in was not found. Please contact the system administrator.

Click here to return to login

example screenshot


After initially setting up your eRaider account, it may take overnight before access propagates to all services, including Raiderlink.

Also, it may take up to an hour after first attempting to sign in to Raiderlink, before you are able to access Raiderlink.

Lastly, it's possible under odd circumstances that two eRaider accounts were created for you, and the one you are using is not linked to your records in Banner/Raiderlink.


1) Wait until the next day. Then, try signing in again.

2) Try a different browser. For instance, if you tried signing in using Edge, then try Chrome instead, or vice versa.

3) Ask IT Help Central to check for multiple eRaider accounts.


You are able to sign in to Raiderlink.

If you continue to experience this error message, please submit a Raiderlink assistance request. IT Help Central may need to assign a request or incident in your name to system administrators to manually adjust your account settings for Raiderlink access.