Viewing customer's issue history in FootPrints may cause problems viewing the home screen or cause the home screen to refresh


When you view a customer's record in the address book and click the History button, a list of their issues opens in a new window. If you leave this window open for an extended period of time, FootPrints will refresh its home screen to show a list of search results, but in the process you will temporarily lose your dashboard and FootPrints main toolbar. The only way to get them back is to sign in again (which kills your existing FootPrints session).

Another way to reproduce the problem is to view a customer's issue history, and then go to your home page and manually refresh the search at the bottom.


BMC has confirmed this to be a bug in FootPrints Service Core 11.6.09.


There is no known resolution at this time.


TIP: You may be able to avoid losing access to the FootPrints home page by opening two FootPrints tabs in your browser when initially starting your session. This way, if one tab is affected by the bug, the other may not be.

Workaround #1

Copy the FootPrints ID from the customer's address book record. Then, run a search from your home screen to view their issue history instead of using the "History" button in the address book.

Workaround #2

Open an existing issue for the customer in edit mode. Under the Customer Information tab, click the History button.