Emails going out from an issue in FootPrints Service Core which includes CCs do not show all the recipients when people receive the email.
EXAMPLE: If Jane Doe and John Doe both get an email on the same issue because they were included as CCs on the issue, they each get a separate email with their name in the "To" line and no one on the "Cc" line.
This can be a disadvantage because the recipients don't know who else got the email.
This is by design.
There is no known resolution at this time.
Use email template variables to inform the recipients who else got the email. That information can be placed into either the subject or body of the email. The variables can display information about the customer on the issue, the assignees, and list the CCs on the issue.
You can configure this under Administration > Workspace > Mail Preferences > Configure Email Notification Templates. In the "CC" column, check the box next to "CC's". That means that anytime a CC is sent an email manually from the issue, they'll get the list of who all are on the CC list.
If you want to put some extra text and customize how the recipients see the list (for example, "The most recent email was sent to the following…"), you'll need to use the options the "Custom formatting for html message" or "Custom formatting for text message".
The same settings are available for emails sent via escalation.