The "Faculty" or "Advisor" tab does not show up in Raiderlink as expected.
Cause #1
The GOATPAC form in Banner may not be updated with your eRaider username.
Cause #2
Your eRaider account may not have a faculty or advisor affiliation due to incomplete ePAF status.
Cause #3
Your eRaider account may not have a faculty or advisor affiliation due to multiple Banner or eRaider records.
Cause #4
New faculty will not receive the "Faculty" tab in Raiderlink until they are added to the Student Banner Faculty file by Academic Operations and Services. Academic Operations and Services confirms with Human Resources that your PAF has been completed prior to the addition of the "Faculty" tab. Reports are run bi-weekly to find new additions. Departments also normally contact Academic Operations when they need to add someone to a section and they are unable to do so. (An automated process is in development but there will be some time before complete.)
If the tab(s) have never shown up, ensure that your ePAF has been processed by the employment services coordinator (ESC) in your department/college. Checking your ePAF status is the best way to ensure that the university's computer records reflect you as a current, active employee. If your PAF has been through all of the necessary approvals and you have waited overnight for systems to update, you should check again to see if the tab is present in Raiderlink at that time.
If the tabs used to be present but are now missing, contact IT Help Central for assistance. Be sure to provide the eRaider username that you're using to sign in.
The correct tab will appear in Raiderlink once everything is configured correctly in Banner and eRaider records.