Error: "Your account has been locked" when attempting to access Microsoft services at TTU


When attempting to access Microsoft 365 services at TTU, such as TechMail, you receive the following error message:

Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again.


example screenshot


example screenshot


Cause #1

You allowed your eRaider password to expire before changing it. Changing your password prior to the expiration date is necessary to avoid interruptions in IT services. If your password expires, it may take up to two hours to reestablish full access to Microsoft services.

Cause #2

Your eRaider account is disabled.


No one at Texas Tech University or from anywhere else should ask for your password.

Resolution for Cause #1

Set a new eRaider password using either the Change Password or Forgot Password process.


You are able to access your eRaider account and associated services successfully within two hours.

NOTE: If you are unable to reset your password, or if you are unable to access your account after waiting two hours, please submit a sign-in assistance request.

Resolution for Cause #2

Work with your departmental IT support person or submit a sign-in assistance request to IT Help Central to confirm whether your account is disabled. Depending on the reason that it's disabled, the account could possibly be enabled to allow access.


If your account is active with a current password set, you are able to access your eRaider account and associated services successfully within 48 hours.