You receive the following error when attempting to set up a TechMail account on your iPhone or iPad:
Exchange Account
Unable to verify account information
One of the following may be true:
- You attempted to set up TechMail on your Apple device using the "Configure Manually" option.
- Your device is having trouble accessing the TechMail servers over the network.
1) Tap OK.
2) Cancel out of the account setup and try it again. Ensure that you are following our published instructions for account setup exactly as written (that is, do not tap the "Configure Manually" option).
3) Make sure that you have an active network connection. You may wish to see if you're able to sign in to Outlook on the web from a web browser on your device. This will verify that your device's network connection is able to successfully reach the TechMail servers.
4) If you continue to receive the error message, review the information that you have entered to make sure it is accurate. Having even one character out of place can prevent the TechMail servers from verifying the information that you have entered.
NOTE: You cannot set up a functional account using the Microsoft Exchange option, so make sure that the information you entered is for a personal account (for example,
5) If you still receive this error, you may wish to reset your device's network settings.
You are able to access TechMail on your iPhone or iPad without receiving an error message.