Error: "App Removed" in Citrix Workspace on your iPhone


When trying to run an app in Citrix Workspace on your iPhone, you receive the following error message:

App Removed

This app is no longer available from the server or you are no longer permitted to access it.

example screenshot


Either the app was removed or permissions were altered such that you no longer have access.


1) Refresh the list of apps.

2) If the previous step did not resolve the problem, across the bottom, tap Settings. Then, under "ACCOUNT", tap your account.

example screenshot

3) Tap Edit Account.

example screenshot

4) Tap Save.

example screenshot

5) If prompted for credentials, type your eRaider username and password. Then, tap Sign in.

NOTE: Type your username in the format ttu\your_eRaider_username (for example, ttu\jdoe).

example screenshot


Your app list will refresh and you will be able to use Citrix Workspace on your iPhone without error.