Error: "An error occurred in Skype for Business" on your iPhone or iPad


You receive the following message in Skype for Business on your iPhone or iPad:

An error occurred in Skype for Business. Please retry. If the problem persists, contact your support team.

example screenshot


You may have typed your account name incorrectly.


1) Tap OK on the message window and try again.

2) Make sure that your iPhone or iPad has an Internet connection and that you are able to access resources at TTU. One way to verify this is to open a web browser on your iPhone or iPad and go to If prompted for credentials, sign in using the same username and password that you were using to sign in to the Skype for Business application. If you're able to sign in, this means that your device is able to access TTU Unified Communications resources and that your account is working. (It's normal if you receive a message "You are not a member of any group. For assistance, contact your support team.")

3) Make sure that you are using the correct username and password. Signing in at (previous step) will verify this. You should be signing in to Skype for Business using your TechMail address (for example, as the username and your eRaider password as the password.

4) If you continue to experience problems, contact IT Help Central with the exact error message you are receiving. IT Help Central will assign a request or incident in your name to system administrators for review.


You will be able to sign in to Skype for Business and use TTU Unified Communications on your iPhone or iPad.