Error: "An error occurred" or sign in loop when trying to sign in to an eRaider-authenticated site while connect to TTUnet wireless or VPN


Unable to authenticate to TTU-related websites when connected to TTUnet wireless or TTUnet VPN. Impacted individuals are unable to replicate the problem on TTU Res Hall networks, their home networks, or on their cellular hotspots. There are a couple of symptoms that have been reported:

Symptom #1

You are confident that you are putting in the correct credentials, but you continue to be prompted to sign in over and over again (a.k.a sign-in loop).

example screenshot

Symptom #2

You receive the following error message:

An error occurred. Contact your administrator for more information.

Error details include:

Active Directory account validation failed.

example screenshot


Cause #1

Incorrect credentials are being used. This includes incorrect username, incorrect username format (for example, not including, or incorrect password.

Cause #2

Incorrect credentials are stored in Credential Manager or your browser and are automatically being used.

Cause #3

Some anti-virus software, ad blockers, VPNs, and survey capture software block the way in which authentication works on TTUnet. Some software could even be software that was already installed when the device was purchased. Confirmed applications that have caused this:

  • McAfee anti-virus
  • ESET anti-virus
  • Kaspersky anti-virus
  • Easy Ad Blocker
  • Avast anti-virus
  • Survey Junkie Pulse (a.k.a. Pulse or SJ Pulse or SJ Polls)
  • AVG Antivirus

There may be other third-party applications that cause this problem.

Cause #4

Settings in your browser are set to not allow cookies.


Resolution for Causes #1 and #2

Verify that you are using the correct username and password, and that your username is in the proper format. You can submit a sign-in assistance request for help with this. Clear out saved credentials in the browser, Credential Manager, Keychain, or other locations if any old passwords are stored there. Then, retry by manually typing your password.

Resolution for Cause #3

  • If the third-party application has a whitelist or a trusted site option, add the following entries as trusted sites. Most anti-virus software should have this as a configuration option.
  • If the problem is not resolved, consider uninstalling the third-party application. If it is an anti-virus app, you can view our recommendations regarding anti-virus software to run in its place.

Resolution for Cause #4

Allow cookies in your browser.