Unsupported requests and services at IT Help Central Service Desk


NOTE: Even though the Service Desk may not be able to directly provide support for the services or requests below, these particular items may be supported by other sections of IT Help Central through our On-site Services area. In such cases, the Service Desk can route an incident or request to the appropriate area, and someone will contact you to provide further assistance.

Unsupported services (applies only to Service Desk)


For Linux customers, we can provide standard settings for TechMail, TTUnet VPN, TTU networks, and other IT services. However, we cannot provide assistance in configuring the software with these settings.

  • Installation of operating systems, including mobile operating systems
  • Requests or incidents requiring re-installation (for example, factory reset) or major repair of an operating system, including mobile operating systems
  • Non-TTU email services
  • Internet connection problems other than TTU-provided network services
  • Home network configuration
  • Driver installation or updates
  • Hardware installation
  • Edits to the Windows Registry
  • Video games, other than establishing a network connection in the residence halls
  • Software not available through TTU licensing agreements, other than major operating systems and web browsers.
  • eRaider account disabled
  • eRaider account reset
  • eRaider account lockout
  • Security incidents such as a compromised account
  • Software licensing, downloads, and installation
  • TTUHSC email, other than activating service through eRaider Account Manager, deletion of a mailbox, or other matters involving integration with TTU services such as TechMail