Resources that the TTU IT Division provides to students, faculty, and staff


The Information Technology Divsion of Texas Tech University provides technology services and solutions in support of institutional strategic initiatives and is committed to maintaining a secure and robust computing environment, working in collaboration with TTU areas and departments. The TTU IT Division provides a rich and diverse catalog of IT resources for students, faculty, and staff. Examples of these services include:

  • IT support (IT Help Central)
  • Free software downloads
  • Student computing facilities
  • Wireless printing kiosks
  • 3D printing
  • Free learning resources (face-to-face computing shortcourses and online on-demand)
  • High performance computing services
  • Computer hardware discount programs (Apple and Dell Premier)
  • Mobile applications
  • Internet access
  • Email
  • Lecture capture/enterprise video solutions
  • Blackboard

Students, faculty, and staff granted access privileges to TTU information resources (as defined by Texas Government Code §2054.003(7)) are responsible for protecting TTU data and information resources and complying with all TTU Operating Policies, including the TTU IT Security Policies. For more information about IT at TTU, please visit: