Overview of TTU Course E-vals



TTU Course E-vals is an electronic course evaluation system provided by SmartEvals that gives students an easy, paperless method of evaluating their courses each semester with less interruption to class time. The system is available at https://www.smartevals.com/ttu.

Texas Tech University students receive an email from TTU Course E-vals when course evaluations have begun, and may receive periodic reminder notifications until evaluations close on the last day of classes for the semester. Evaluations will remain completely anonymous, and instructors will not be able to view any part of the evaluation until after final grades have been posted.

Advantages of TTU Course E-vals

  • Evaluation questions remain the same as on the old paper evaluations.
  • The online system reduces the amount of class time needed to administer evaluations.
  • It provides a more environmentally friendly method, eliminating the need for paper evaluation forms.
  • Faculty will receive feedback faster.
  • The electronic format provides a familiar, simple format for student convenience, with no indication of significant drops in response rate compared to paper evaluations.
  • The online system provides more flexibility to students completing evaluations.

An active eRaider account will be needed to access and complete the online surveys.

For further details, please visit https://www.depts.ttu.edu/irim/courseeval/smartevals.php.