Overview of the Small Class Portal at TTU


The Small Class Portal is an online tool to process small class justifications each semester. The information in the small class report that associate deans previously received in other forms at the beginning of each term will be available in the online portal. Departments will indicate relevant justification for each course on a checklist and/or in a text field in the portal, and the justification will be sent to the appropriate associate dean for review. With the associate dean's concurrence, the justification will be forwarded to the Office of the Provost for approval. The chair and associate dean may assign delegates to review on their behalf. Delegates may be assigned using the delegate options in the portal.

The website address (URL) for the Small Class Portal is https://appserv.itts.ttu.edu/smallclass.

Small class reporting at Texas Tech University is not available through any other channel. Small class reporting will be handled through the Small Class Portal only.