Overview of SafeAssign at Texas Tech University


SafeAssign, available in Blackboard, replaced the previous plagiarism prevention tool, Turnitin. Turnitin was available through the spring 2018 semester; however, all transitions to SafeAssign were made by the autumn of 2018.

SafeAssign is plagiarism detection software that is built into Blackboard and, like Turnitin, can be used as a deterrent to discourage plagiarism and as an educational tool to teach students good citation practices. SafeAssign compares submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify unoriginal content in papers and produces an originality report. New tutorials demonstrating how to use SafeAssign are available and can be shared with students. Please visit https://www.depts.ttu.edu/elearning/blackboard/safeassign for more information.

Faculty who use SafeAssign will benefit from the centralized technical assistance over Turnitin. Faculty members that have questions about this new tool can send their inquiries to blackboard@ttu.edu.