Overview of IT Project Registration (ITPR)



Per Texas Administrative Code §216, Project Management Practices, information resources projects must be managed using project management practices. In order to ensure compliance and facilitate meeting that requirement, Information Technology has developed the IT Project Registration (ITPR) application to document the various information resources projects at Texas Tech University.

All departments are to register IT projects which are managed within their department. The application will present the user with a series of questions designed to capture information about the IT project, including, but not limited to major information resources project status, project partners and beneficiaries, cost, and system integration. Some fields are required and some are optional. A sample form is provided to help the users plan their responses. Users can either save their responses and return later or submit their registration once all required fields are completed.

To learn more about IT project management, please visit the Information Technology website at https://www.depts.ttu.edu/infotech/projectmanagement. The ITPR webapp is available at https://appserv.itts.ttu.edu/itprojectregistration.

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