Overview of Events@TexasTech



Events@TexasTech is the official events management system and calendar for TTU and TTUS. By promoting lectures, cultural events and other activities, the calendar encourages communication within Texas Tech University and fosters community participation at public events. Events@TexasTech also provides more comprehensive information about Texas Tech to the external world in support of university academic, research and other strategic objectives. The enhanced calendar is a collaboration between the Texas Tech Office of Communication & Marketing and the TTU Office of the CIO.

Events@TexasTech is available at http://events.ttu.edu.

Definition of an event

Events include academic deadlines, lectures, workshops, meetings, training programs, as well as cultural, sporting and social functions. They may include on-campus events or selected off-campus events sponsored by a Texas Tech University entity (e.g., department, college, institute, center, registered student organization, etc.).

These events may be open to the general public, the Texas Tech community or a segment of the Texas Tech community. All submissions must adhere to TTU Operating Policies and Procedures, including TTU IT Security Policies, specifically the University Acceptable Use Guidelines.