Overview of Blackboard shell templates


Development shells

Development shells are already formatted with a standard course design template which includes numerous student and instructor resources as well as other components that help to jumpstart the development of your course. Please note that a development course does not support student access; it is strictly an avenue for developing your course. To request a development shell, browse to https://www.depts.ttu.edu/elearning/blackboard/instructor and fill out an individual request form for each Blackboard course you need to develop. This request can take from two to five business days to complete.

Live shells

Once you have finished developing your course and are ready to start teaching, you will need to request the semester-based live shell. The live shell is connected to Banner and will auto-populate your course with all registered students.

After the live shell is created, you will have the option to copy the content from an existing development shell (or another existing live shell) into the new semester's live shell.