Overview of Adobe Illustrator at Texas Tech University


Adobe Illustrator is a vector drawing program that allows a user draw their illustrations, cartoons, and charts.

System requirements

Check the system requirements for Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud to see if your operating system and computer can handle the program. Because system requirements change with each software update, refer to the release notes for your software version for the latest information on supported operating systems and browsers.

Adobe enterprise license agreement

Please see Availability of Adobe software at Texas Tech University.

How to obtain

Individual faculty and staff

Request an Adobe Creative Cloud license at TTU. Once the license is active, install the Adobe Creative Cloud app. With the Adobe Creative Cloud app, you can download and install the individual Adobe applications that you need.

Lab and shared computers

Lab and shared computers previously used Adobe Creative Cloud through a serialized approach. However, Adobe is now providing a Shared Device Licence approach. If you have not yet upgraded to this approach, please see How to: Renew license and/or serialization for TTU provided Adobe software on lab and shared workstations.

Individual student use

Students that are not employees can purchase Adobe Creative Cloud with a student discount. More information on student purchases may be found at Adobe Creative Cloud website at https://www.adobe.com/products/creativecloud.edu.html.