eRaider password expiration process


No one at Texas Tech University or from anywhere else should ask for your password.


The operational policies of Texas Tech University require that your eRaider password be periodically changed. eRaider passwords expire every 180 days.

CAUTION: Changing your password prior to the expiration date is necessary to avoid interruptions in IT services. If your password expires, it may take up to two hours to reestablish full access to Microsoft services.

Sixteen days before expiration

Sixteen days before your password expires, any applications which use eRaider Web Sign-In will inform you that your password will expire. There will be a link to continue without changing the password, or you can choose to change the password at that time. If you choose not to change the password, you will continue to see this notification each time you use the eRaider Web Sign-In.

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Ten days before expiration

Ten days before expiration, a notification will be sent to your TechMail address.

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Six days before expiration

Six days before expiration, a second notification will be sent to your TechMail address.

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Three days before expiration

Three days before expiration, a third and final notification will be sent to your TechMail address. This notification will include more details regarding the consequences of allowing the password to expire (e.g., first time signing into the network may require help desk assistance to gain access, etc.).

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Password has expired

On the expiration date, a password change will be required to gain access to resources requiring authentication. You will not be able to access any eRaider-authenticated services or domain-authenticated services without first changing your password; this includes eRaider Account Manager. When trying to access authenticated websites, the only option you will have is to change your password:

example screenshot

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When attempting to sign in to a computer on the TTU or TTUHSC domain, you will receive a message stating that your password must be changed:

example screenshot

You should not attempt to change your password using the built-in Windows interface.

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You can change your password by browsing to, signing in with your current password, and then clicking the link to change the password. Or, you can use the Forgot Password feature.

NOTE: When attempting to access some services, it may not be obvious that the password has expired. Some services, such as TTUnet wireless, software downloads, TechShare, and some websites may behave as if you are using an invalid username/password combination.