TiVo connections are not available for the TTUnet and TTU Res Halls network. The Enterprise IT Security team has tried to find a long-term solution for TiVo network connections, but have been unsuccessful. In order to connect to TiVo service over an Ethernet connection, the TiVo unit uses ICMP, which is a particular type of network communication. Also, when the unit connects to servers on TiVo's network, the server IP addresses vary.
TTU's firewall has been blocking ICMP network traffic since at least 2001. This is for the security and integrity of the network. Allowing TiVo service would require allowing ICMP traffic to pass out the TTU firewall to servers whose IP addresses vary. To ensure continued security of TTU's network, this change will not be made.
As a workaround for individuals living in the TTU residence halls, the TiVo unit can connect to its service using a telephone line. Most residence hall rooms do not have telephone service, but the resident can activate telephone service by contacting Housing and Residence Life.