Available voicemail features in Microsoft Teams


On February 28, 2020, Microsoft started transitioning Texas Tech University's voicemail services to their modern Cloud Voicemail service in Microsoft 365 (M365). Voicemail messages are still accessible in your TechMail mailbox and in the Microsoft Teams software. However, as a result of this change, voicemail access is no longer possible by calling 806-742-1111, 806-742-2448, or your own phone number.

The list below compares the voicemail features availabilty in both Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business.

Voicemail featuresMicrosoft TeamsSkype for Business
Listen to your voicemail at a different speedAvailableAvailable
Read your voicemail transcriptionAvailableAvailable
Change your voicemail greetingsAvailableAvailable
Change your voicemail settingsAvailableAvailable
Text-to-speech voicemail greetingsAvailableAvailable
Call answer rulesAvailableAvailable
Configure "out of office" greetingAvailableAvailable

Despite the change, Microsoft Teams still preserves the same common voicemail features as Skype for Business does.

To find out more about how to use the voicemail features in Microsoft Teams, please view the knowledge articles below: