How to: Tell the difference between Self-Service Banner (SSB) and the Luminis portal in Raiderlink


Self-Service BannerĀ (SSB)

One indicator that you are in SSB and not the Luminis portal is that the website address begins with

You can also tell you are in SSB versus the Luminis portal by looking at the available tabs. There are a limited number of tab names for SSB. They are:

  • My Personal Information
  • Student
  • Faculty Services
  • My Employment Information
  • Financial Aid, and
  • WebTailor Administration

SSB also has a plain black header with "TEXAS TECH" in white, all uppercase letters with no logos or icons.

example screenshot

Luminis portal

In contrast, Luminis portal addresses begin with

The Luminis portal has the user's name in the top bar. There are also some large navigation buttons in the upper right-hand corner, such as:

  • My Personal Information
  • Email
  • Banner Admin
  • Banner Assistance
  • Sign Out

The portal has a "hamburger menu" button in the top left. Just underneath is a gray box with "TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY" in white, all uppercase letters, "Raiderlink" just underneath, and the double-T logo to the left.

example screenshot