The directions below will help you remove your TechMail address from a personal Microsoft account so that your TechMail address is only associated with your Microsoft 365 account at TTU.
1) Browse to In the top right-hand corner of the screen, click Sign in.
2) Type your TechMail address and click Next.
NOTE: If you have the same email address for your personal and work account, you will be able to sign in to your work account.
3) Type your eRaider password and click Sign in.
4) Click Manage your sign-in email or phone number.
5) Click Add email.
6) Click the email address that you would like to use to get the verification code.
7) Type the full email address that you chose in the previous step and click Send code.
8) Type the verification code and click Verify.
9) You can either choose to create a new email address to use for your personal account, or you can add an existing email address (other than your TechMail address). Choose the option that you prefer. In the sample screenshot below, we chose to click the radio button next to "Add an existing email address as a Microsoft account alias".
10) Click Make primary next to the email address that you chose in the previous step.
11) Click Yes.
12) Click Remove to remove your TechMail address from your account aliases.
13) Click Remove.
Your personal Microsoft account has been renamed. You are no longer be prompted to choose between a school or personal account when signing in to at TTU.