How to: Pass a search string to askIT or any ServiceNow knowledge base using a URL



The directions below will guide you through passing search terms to a ServiceNow knowledge base using a URL. This can be useful for emailing a link to someone or posting a link on a website when you want to send someone to a search interface with pre-populated terms in the search, as opposed to sending them to a specific KB article.

NOTE: These instructions use the service portal address for askIT, but you can change this to match your own service portal URL.

Search only publicly viewable articles

To search only publicly viewable articles, use the syntax below:

Replace YourSearchTerms with the search terms that you would like to use.

Separate multiple search terms with %20. (%20 is the code for a space when typing a URL).

EXAMPLE: To search for "TechMail iPhone setup", use


One can insert a plus sign (+) before a term to require that the term be in every article returned. To do this using a URL, insert the code %2B in front of the term.

EXAMPLE: To search for "+TechMail +iPhone +setup", use

Search all articles available to the person using the link

NOTE: This method requires authentication using eRaider.

To search all articles available to the person who is using the link, use the syntax below:

Replace YourSearchTerms with the search terms that you would like to use.

Separate multiple search terms with %2520.

EXAMPLE: To search for "TechMail iPhone setup", use


One can insert a plus sign (+) before a term to require that the term be in every article returned. To do this using a URL, insert the code %252B in front of the term.

EXAMPLE: To search for "+TechMail +iPhone +setup", use