How to: Manage a course in the Small Class Portal (for deans)


1) Choose a course.

A) Choose the period you would like to view.

B) Make sure "AwaitingDean" is selected.

C) If you have made changes to the search filters, then click Apply Filter.

D) Browse the course list, and click Manage next to the course you would like to change.

example screenshot

2) Apply a decision regarding the course.

A) Type comments regarding your decision.

B) Click Concur with Chair if you agree with the chair's decision.

C) Click Refer Back to Chair if you believe the chair needs to review the course again.

D) Click Return To Results if you would like to cancel your decision and return to the search results.

example screenshot

3) If you chose "Refer Back to Chair" in Step 2, then please complete the following steps.

A) Type a custom message to the chair regarding the course.

B) Submit your decision to the chair. A confirmation box will be presented and you will be asked to confirm your decision.

C) If you do not want to submit your decision to the dean, then click Return to Record. This will cancel your decision.

example screenshot