How to: Manage a course in the Small Class Portal (for chairs)


1) Choose the course to manage.

A) Choose the period or term you would like to view.

B) Make sure "AwaitingChair" is selected.

C) If you have made changes to the search filters, then click Apply Filter.

D) Browse the course list, and click Manage next to the course you would like to change.

example screenshot

2) Apply a decision regarding the course.

A) In the Decision field, choose "Remove This Course", "Convert This Course", or "Keep This Course".

B) If prompted to do so, choose the reason for your decision.

C) Type comments regarding your decision and if you chose to convert the course. Then, type the subject and course number.

D) If you are satisfied with your decision, then click Save Decision. If you want to cancel your decision, then click Return to Results.

example screenshot


A message will indicate that the decision was saved successfully.

example screenshot