NOTE: Make sure all work is saved in open programs, as this installation requires multiple restarts.
NOTE: The program may begin reading everything to you, as this is JAWS (Job Access with Speech)
1) Download Fusion Pro from eRaider Account Manager.
2) Click Save File. Then, click OK.
3) Right-click on the file and click Extract All.
4) If you want to change the destination, click Browse. Otherwise, click Extract.
5) Double-click the folder F2020.2003.5.400.
6) Double-click the file F2020.2003.5.400.exe.
7) Click Yes.
8) Read the end user license agreement. If you agree, check the box to accept the license agreement and click Install.
9) Depending on the speed of your computer, installation time may vary. Please wait while the installation finishes.
10) Click Close.
11) Click Yes.
You have installed Fusion Pro on to your device.