How to: Handle taking your domain-authenticated computer off campus


Sign in to the computer while still on campus connected to TTUnet. If you do not do this, you may be unable to sign in to the machine once off campus/disconnected from TTUnet. This is because when you sign in to a domain-authenticated computer that is not connected to TTUnet, the computer cannot connect to the domain. When this happens, it authenticates your sign-in to the cached credentials. If you are connected to TTUnet using a VPN connection, your computer will synchronize with the domain and update to the current credentials.

Make sure to check your eRaider password expiration. If it is about to expire, change it. Then, sign in to the computer with the new password while on campus and connected to TTUnet. It would also be a good idea to check your eRaider contact number, just in case you do need to change your password while off campus.

If you use resources that need VPN when off campus, please set up the VPN connection ahead of time.