How to: Download and install updates in Windows 11


1) Right-click your Start button and choose Settings.

Alternatively, you may hold down the Windows key Windows key on your keyboard and press X. Then, click Settings.

example screenshot

2) In the left-hand menu, click Windows Update.

example screenshot

3) If no updates have been identified yet, you may need to click Check for updates to force Windows to check for new updates.

example screenshot

4) Once updates are identified, you may click Install now to begin the installation.

example screenshot

5) If you are prompted to restart your PC to finish installing updates, and if you are ready to restart at this time, click Restart now.

CAUTION: Before clicking the button, save your work and close any open programs to avoid losing data when restarting.

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If you are not ready to restart, you may schedule the restart for later. Simply click Schedule the restart.

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To schedule the restart, ensure that the switch is in the "On" position (slid to the right). Then, pick a time for the restart.

example screenshot


If you scheduled a restart, you will see the indicated scheduled time at the top of the Windows Update screen.

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Windows will install available updates. You should repeat the steps above continually until the screen indicates that no further updates are available.

example screenshot