How to: Create personal responses for chat in Interaction Connect


1) Under the "Response Management" tab, click the "Configure My Responses" icon.

example screenshot

2) Next to "My Responses", click the disclosure arrow.

example screenshot

3) Click Add.

example screenshot

4) Click New Text Response.

example screenshot

5) In the "Name" field, type a title for the new personal response. This will only be seen by you.

example screenshot

6) In the "Shortcut" field, type a short name, abbreviation, or code that you can use to search for this new response. This is only for your benefit.

TIP: Be careful not to use special characters (for example, ~ ! ? * ^ \), as these prevent the shortcut from working.

example screenshot

7) Under "Labels", type a space-separated list of keywords that help to identify or classify this response. These are for your own benefit.

example screenshot

8) In the empty text box, configure the text of your personal response.

TIP: Different email clients can interpret line endings differently. To avoid this problem, create new lines by pressing Shift+Enter (Windows) or Shift+Return (Mac).

example screenshot

9) Click Save.

example screenshot


The new response item will appear in the selected folder under the "My Responses" window.