How to: Create a customer in the FootPrints address book


Before proceeding with the steps below, confirm that you've done the following:

  • Verified the customer's eRaider username with them phonetically
  • Used the search options to search for the customer using all data possible to make sure the customer is not already in the address book.

1) If you are not already in the address book, click Address Book in the toolbar at the top.

example screenshot

If your administrator has not made the address book available directly on your toolbar, hover your mouse pointer over More and click Address Book from the drop-down menu.

example screenshot

2) Click Create Customer in the toolbar.

example screenshot

3) Type data into all fields that are marked in red and with an asterisk, as well as into any other fields where you have the information.

Although not all fields may be required, you may wish to gather as much unique identification information as possible if the customer is present with you or on the phone. This helps to uniquely identify this customer record later. Examples of good information to gather are TechID, phone numbers, and email addresses.

example screenshot

4) Click the SAVE button at the bottom.

example screenshot


After the customer is created in FootPrints, you can locate them in the address book by searching so that you can create an issue for them.