How to: Consolidate multiple FootPrints address book records


Determine which address book record you wish to keep by counting the number of issues associated with each address book record. (You will keep the one with the most issues associated with it.) The issues associated with the other record(s) can be moved over to be associated with the address book record that you decided keep. Finally, you can complete the process by deleting the address book record(s) which has no associated issues.


1) Open one of the address book records and click the button to view the issue history for that customer. Note the number of issues.

2) Repeat Step 1 for the other address book record(s) that is a duplicate.

3) Note which address book record you intend to keep (whichever one has the most issues). Find a unique way to identify that record from the others. The easiest way to uniquely identify them is by FootPrints ID, which is a unique number that is generated for each record.

4) Go to the address book record which has the fewest number of issues associated with it. Click the button to view the issue history.

5) One at a time, open each issue. On the "Customer Info" tab, click Clear. Type the customer information for the address book record you wish to keep (such as the unique FootPrints ID), and press Enter/Return. Then, save the issue. This will associate that issue with the address book record you intend to keep. Continue repeating until all issues are associated with the address book record you intend to keep.

6) Check your work on Step 5 by closing the customer history list and then clicking to view the history again for the address book record you intend to delete. There should be no issues listed in the history.

7) View the address book record you wish to delete and note any information that you do not want to lose (alternate phone numbers, customer notes, etc.). Then, add those to the address book record you are keeping, if you like.

8) Go to the address book record you wish to delete and choose the option to delete it.


The address book records have been consolidated.