How to: Connect to TTUnet Wi-Fi using iPhone or iPad


In Settings, tap Wi-Fi. Tap TTUnet. Type your TechMail address as the username and your eRaider password as the password. Then, tap Join.


1) Open the Settings app.

example screenshot

2) Tap Wi-Fi.

example screenshot

3) Ensure that the Wi-Fi switch is in the "on" position (to the right). Then, tap TTUnet.

example screenshot

4) Type the following information, and then tap Join.

  • Username: your_TechMail_address (for example,
  • Password: your_eRaider_password

example screenshot

NOTE: If you are unable to join the network using this information, try typing your eRaider username as the username. Or, try putting ttu\ in front of your eRaider username (for example, ttu\jdoe).

5) If you are prompted to trust a certificate named "", tap Trust.

example screenshot


Your iPhone or iPad is connected to the TTUnet wireless network. Once you are connected, you will see the Wi-Fi icon appear in the status bar at the top, and a check mark will appear next to TTUnet in your Wi-Fi screen.

example screenshot

TIP: The next time you change your eRaider password, since it is not possible to update the saved password on your iPhone or iPad, you must go back into your device's Wi-Fi settings and remove TTUnet. Then, set up your device again using the instructions above. Failure to perform these steps may result in account lockouts.