1) Browse to the TechAnnounce website. In the top right-hand corner of the screen, click the eRaider sign-in button.
2) If prompted for credentials, sign in using your eRaider account.
3) In the left-hand menu, click the View/Edit Previous Posting link.
4) You will be taken to a list of announcements that you have submitted. Locate the announcement you submitted, and then read the "Status" field.
5) View your announcement status to see the status of your posting:
- Not Approved: Based on TechAnnounce policy, the message was not approved. An email should have already been sent to your TechMail address with the reason your posting was not approved. Contact the TechAnnounce administrator for further information.
- Pending: Message has not yet been reviewed. This typically occurs when the message was received after the submission deadline (close of business on previous day). Announcement will be reviewed within one business day.
- Posted on: Announcement was approved and released on the date listed. If you do not see the announcement after the scheduled release date/time, you may need to check your category subscriptions. The announcement may have been sent out under a category to which you are not subscribed. Category subscriptions can be checked by clicking the "Personalize My TechAnnounce" link in the left column of the page.
You have verified the status of the TechAnnounce message.