If Microsoft Word is installed on the local computer, the PureConnect spell check operation uses Word's spell check dictionary to do spell checking. If Microsoft Word is not installed, it will use the Wintertree spellcheck.
If you do not have Microsoft Word installed on your PC
1) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Interactive Intelligence\ICUserApps\Dictionaries.
2) Right-click on the ssceam.tlx file and choose Open with Notepad.
3) Add words to the list that you would like spell checker to ignore.
If you do have Microsoft Word installed
1) Open Word.
2) Click the File tab.
3) Click Options.
4) Click the Proofing tab.
5) Make sure that the "Suggest from main dictionary only" checkbox is not checked.
6) Choose Custom Dictionaries.
7) Click on any one of the dictionaries under "All Languages."
8) Click New.
9) Choose a name for your new dictionary.
10) Click Save.
11) Pick your new dictionary and click Edit Word List.
12) In the space provided, type the words you would like to add. Then, click Add.
13) Click OK.